20 January 2010


I hate to fall into beginning of the year tropes but I find myself doing it more and more. I wonder if it's the new year or just the natural rush that comes with having some down time. You feel a need to start anew. So what do I do?

I don't like that
Cathy-esque feeling I get, like I'm putting undue, stereotypically female insecurities on the table. Frankly, there are positive changes I could make in my life (financially, emotionally, in my relationships) but I don't think I'm going to end up a spinster, with no savings in a dead-end job if I don't. I'm only 26 for godsakes. So I'm taking it slow. Slow and steady and I'll throw in a few curveballs every once in a while.

But here are my mini-resolutions:
1. Save some dough so I can actually apply to grad school when I'm ready.
2. Try to say "yes" to more oppurtunities.
3. Travel more. Make it happen however I can.

If 2011 comes around and I've done that, I know I'll be happier. But I'm not goin gto beat myself up. Cause that's just a recipe for unhappiness.


hughman said...

oh sweetie, you are only 26. enjoy it and don't spend it worrying about some hypothetical future. you could be doing a lot worse.

Unknown said...

So good to hear. I feel like so many people my age are losing it and I hate to get dragged into that.

hughman said...

remember, people don't drag you down. only you do that. you're smart, interesting, clever and grounded. that's worth it's weight in gold.

ps. do you know who this is? :)

Unknown said...

I recognize your name from Jez. Glad you followed me over. I wish I could get some more readers.

hughman said...

it takes time. i've had several blogs (the first from 2002-2007) and you just have to keep reaching out. comment a lot, post updates on FB, establish relationships with other bloggers, write great stuff. you already write really well so that's one down. write with one point of view! find your niche. i'll keep coming here and soon others will too! :)