26 April 2010


Saturday night I spent an hour in the presence of a living legend. Since then I've probably recounted the story a million times so I won't do that here. Here is the place where I want to meditate on what the experience meant.

I've met plenty of "famous" people and definitely some wealthy ones. In a way, it's always been part of the roller coaster that is my life. Travels and trips , great restaurants, amazing boutiques and then back to my studio apartment where the clothes need to be folded and the cat needs to be fed (or when I was younger the one-bedroom apartment my mother and I shared). So I woke up the morning after this experience feeling like this is not my life.

I called a few folks, people who I thought would appreciate the gravity of the experience. One of them was a mentor whom I've known since high school. I called him mostly because I know about his love of performers of this caliber, but what I ended up with was a wonderful synthesis of the experience. When I expressed how surreal the situation was he told me that my experience was merely a moment that illustrates where my life is headed. He reminded me of all the times that I walked around my high school campus and said the same thing to myself "This is not my life". But it was. And I never expected that either. He told me that faith is a combination of your past experiences, living in and honoring your current moment and knowing that your future is waiting there for you. He said that moment was only a glimpse of what my future holds.

I appreciated his words because they so deeply echoed many of the things that I spoke about the night before. At one point we had a great discussion about freedom. We talked about knowing that you are free and knowing your own power. Lately, there's been a theme that's come up again and again and it's about knowing that we are amazing beings and that we can do amazing things. It's not always about lamenting what you don't have or waiting for things to come to you. This artist also embodies that notion through his achievements and bravery. What I was mostly struck by was his ability to be still in the moment.

I honestly think if that experience is a glimpse of what's to come I can't wait to continue living in the moments that will take me there.

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