05 September 2009

100 Issues for 100 Days: #20

#20: The Hangover

Apparently cleansing my system means that my body is not ready to handle hard liquor. Last night, I went out for my friends birthday and despite the fact that I only drank three (admittedly strong) drinks, I spent the day pretty out of it.

I tend to be a good drinker which means that hangovers are not de rigeur for me but if this is how my body's going to react to hard liquor, I will definitely be taking it down a notch for a long while. I don't want wake up with a strange baby and a tiger next to me. But this post does give me an excuse to post this video:


Esther said...

Yea, I did the master cleanse, and my tolerance for martinis took a nose dive, as well. I think you should wait atleast, let's say one week AFTER doing a cleanse to be in th safe zone.

Unknown said...

Thanks, I took it slow today, Bloody Marys and lemonade and vodka.